
Emolument Finance

The most trusted & secure crypto wallet

Buy, store, collect NFTs, exchange & earn crypto. Join 60 million+ people using Trust Wallet.

You Deserve Easy Access to Cryptocurrencies

Trust Wallet is for you if you want to

    Buy Bitcoin in under five minutes

   Easily earn interest on the crypto in your wallet

  Easily earn interest on the crypto in your wallet

    Buy Bitcoin in under five minutes

   Easily earn interest on the crypto in your wallet

  See your collectibles. Art & NFTs in one place

Get started in 3 simple steps

It only takes a few minutes

Multi Cryptocurrency Wallet App

Securely carry your favorite cryptocurrencies on your Android and Apple devices with Trust Wallet. With an average user review of 4.7 / 5.0, you can feel confident your Digital Assets are private and safe..

Multi Cryptocurrency Wallet App

Our multicoin wallet app supports the main blockchains within the Ethereum ecosystem, and works with any ERC20, BEP2 and ERC721 tokens whilst also providing coverage as a Bitcoin Wallet. We’ve also recently added support for Binance Smart Chain. The Trust Wallet development team continues to add support for more cryptocurrencies every month, so be sure to check for updates. Or better yet, reach out to our team to share support for your favourite coins and get them added into Trust Wallet!